This is where you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Are the venues barrier-free?
We are certified according to the Germany-wide "Reisen für Alle" labeling system. As part of the audit, our venues are described in detail with regard to accessibility. You can find out whether there is a parking space for people with disabilities, whether all rooms are accessible without steps and even the exact dimensions of elevators, washbasins and passageways.
More about accessibility at BESONDERE ORTE.
Is there free WIFI in all of the venues?
A: Yes, we provide you with free WIFI at all of our venues. If internet access is a main pillar of your event, please inform us of this beforehand.
Do the venues still function as churches and do they hold services?
A: Yes, all of our church venues (Umweltforum, Tagungswerk, Zwinglikirche and Französische Friedrichstadtkirche) are consecrated churches. Regular services occur in all of the churches with the exception of Tagungswerk.
Are all of the venues sustainable and ecological?
A: The use of green energy, water-saving sanitary facilities and rubbish recycling are all standard features at our venues. Over and above that, Umweltforum and Tagungswerk also make use of the following eco-technology: green roofs, photovoltaic systems and CHPs – combined heat and power units. Furthermore, Umweltforum has a solar facade, loam-rendered walls and a rainwater fountain.
Offers and events
How quickly can I get an offer for one of your venues?
A: We can give you an individual offer within 24 hours of receiving your request.
Are you affiliated with a particular technical equipment provider, or do I have to engage one myself?
A: All technical equipment for your event is available through us. We have our own department for technical event equipment and in most of the venues, technical equipment such as audio equipment or video projectors are already installed.
Are you bound to a particular catering service?
A: For lunch and evening buffets we work with trusted catering partners who are quite familiar with our company and venues. The snacks for tea & coffee breaks are made by our own company and are all made with 100% organic ingredients. Upon consultation and for a corkage fee you are able bring in another caterer of your choice. Our drinks all come from organic producers and our coffee and tea is also fair trade.
Is it possible to send you packages and production materials before the event?
A: Just talk to your event manager about the delivery of packages. Generally, all deliveries must to be sent to the Umweltforum. The title and date of your event must be clearly marked on the outside of the package and should arrive no earlier than a week before the event.
Can I give you feedback after my event?
A: Your opinion is very important to us. Following your event you will be sent an online questionnaire for your feedback. We are also happy to get your feedback in person.
Do you provide other services in and around the event?
A: Besides marketing the venues, we can also take on all agency services for your event. Among other things, this includes project management for all phases of the event as well as participant management, the development of individual spatial and lighting designs and a whole lot more. By providing you with both the venue and event services, you are able to benefit from the resulting synergy.
Do I have to pay attention to particular aspects of sustainability for my event?
A: No, you don't have to pay attention to particular aspects of sustainability at your event. You can, however, compensate the total emmissions produced by your event with our partners atmosfair through an investment in a certified climate-project. Apart from that, of course we'll be happy if you can, for example, keep the amount of paper used in the production of your event low and/or use the travel offer from German Rail with their event ticket.