Monetary benefits
Private pension insurance
Our concept for occupational pension provision looks like this: You choose an additional private pension insurance policy that suits your wishes and needs. The monthly amount you want to contribute is up to you. We contribute up to EUR 50,- per month. Do you need help choosing the right pension insurance? We recommend a consultation with an independent insurance agency, such as our long-standing partner finanzkontor.
Child allowance
We pay a monthly child allowance of EUR 50,- for each dependent child. This allowance is tax-free for children under the age of 6 who are not of compulsory school age and who are accommodated in a crèche, kindergarten or comparable institution and for whose care you pay care costs.
Phone allowance
You don't want to carry around another mobile phone for work? And you don't mind using your private mobile phone for work? Then you can benefit from our telephone allowance of EUR 15,- per month.
Further monetary benefits
We have a suggestion system for all employees so that we can always get a little bit better. Because you know best where the shoe pinches and we could either change a process or create a new product. The best three ideas are not only implemented but also awarded every year and the winners receive between EUR 100,- and 300,- for their suggestion.
Many team members of BESONDERE ORTE have been with us for many years and we are very happy about that. We thank them for their many years of loyalty with special days off and loyalty bonuses of between EUR 500,- and EUR 2.000,-.