The green roof of the Umweltforum is firmly in the hands of bees. Around a quarter of a million bees call it their home and produce delicious Berlin city honey. A product could not have a shorter journey. Moreover, we are doing something for biodiversity. Bees have been living on our roof since 2011.

Honey from the roof

Urban nature for honeybees
When the Berlin initiative Berlin summt (lit.: Berlin buzzes) asked if we wanted to make our roof available as a habitat for bees, we did not hesitate for long and agreed immediately. Since then, our beekeeper Norman Linke regularly climbs onto the roof of the Umweltforum to pursue his hobby.
His bees buzz from there to street trees, lime trees mostly. Their journey also takes them to green corners, for example the neighbouring cemeteries or the Volkspark Friedrichshain. Side fact: Bees fly within a radius of three kilometres.
In case you are wondering - Honey from big cities is less polluted than that from the countryside. This is because there are fewer pesticides and the animals can break down the exhaust fumes very well.