Französischer Dom | Beverages
Lemonade on wooden table

Beverages - Französischer Dom

Hot drinks


Cold drinks

Alcoholic beverages

Saft oder Saftschorle





Beverage flat rate


soft beverages

5,90 EUR per guest/hour

hot & soft beverages

6,90 EUR per guest/hour

alcoholic beverages

8,50 EUR per guest/hour

soft & alcoholic beverages

9,60 EUR per guest/hour

hot & softs & alcoholic beverages

10,50 EUR per guest/hou

Additives included
1) with preservative, 2) with dye, 3) with antioxidant, 4) with sweetener, 5) with phosphate, 6) sulphurated, 7) quinine, 8) caffeinated, 9) with flavor enhancer, 10) blackened, 11) waxed, 12) mit Nitritpökelsalz
Contained allergens
A) Nuts (nuts), B) Mustard and mustard products, C) Sesame seeds, D) Sulfur dioxide and sulfites, E) Eggs and egg products, F) Fish and fish products, G) Contains gluten, H) Celery and celery products, K) Crustaceans, L) Milk and milk products (lactose), N) Peanuts and peanut products, P) Lupines, S) Soy and soy products, W) Molluscs (snails, mussels, squid, oysters)


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